Event details


IDEaS Marketplace 2024

Westin Hotel, Ottawa

May 31, 2024

Friday, May 31

09:00 - 09:15

Innovator Exhibition Space Opens

09:15 - 09:25

Welcome and housekeeping – Philippe Hébert, Director General, R&D Innovation, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC)

Mr. Philippe Hébert , Director General R&D Innovation (Defence Research and Development Canada)

09:25 - 09:35

Opening remarks – Natasha Kim, Associate Deputy Minister of National Defence

Natasha Kim , Associate Deputy Minister

09:40 - 10:40

Session 1: Innovator presentations – Breakout rooms 1-3 running concurrently

BREAKOUT ROOM 1, Theme 1: Big data, Advancing 5G Capabilities and NATO DIANA
• Innovation Networks: Faster, Stronger, More Secure: Advancing 5G Capabilities and Concepts for Defence and Security

BREAKOUT ROOM 2, Theme 2: Sensing in the Marine Environment and Supports for CAF Personnel
• Challenge 1 (CFP 4): Better Than Meets The Eye: Reliable Object Detection Amongst the Waves (NAVY)
• Challenge 4 (CFP 4): Knot Vulnerable: Locking Down Cybersecurity on Naval Vessels (NAVY)

BREAKOUT ROOM 3, Theme 3: Advanced Robotics, Uncrewed Aerial Systems, Essential Supplies and Energy, Water and Waste Management Systems for Deployed Camps
• Counter Uncrewed Aerial Systems (CUAS) Sandbox
• Challenge 2 (CFP 4): Essential Deliveries: Getting Vital Supplies to Troops Using Autonomous Vehicles
• Challenge 7 (CFP 4): Armour Up! Modular Lightweight Armour for Land Vehicles

10:40 - 11:00


11:00 - 11:20

Keynote Address – Lieutenant-General Frances Allen, Vice Chief of the Defence Staff (TBC)

LGen Frances Allen , Vice Chief of the Defence Staff

11:20 - 12:00

Session 2: Innovator presentations – Breakout rooms 1-3 running concurrently

BREAK-OUT ROOM 1 Theme 1: Big data, Advancing 5G Capabilities and NATO DIANA
• Innovation Networks: Faster, Stronger, More Secure: Advancing 5G Capabilities and Concepts for Defence and Security

BREAK-OUT ROOM 2 Theme 2: Sensing in the Marine Environment and Supports for CAF Personnel
• Corrosion Detection in Ships (CDIS) – Sandbox

BREAK-OUT ROOM 3 Theme 3: Advanced Robotics, Uncrewed Aerial Systems, Essential Supplies and Energy, Water and Waste Management Systems for Deployed Camps
• Pop up city Contest: Integrating energy, water and waste management systems for deployed camps

12:00 - 13:00


13:00 - 13:10

Midday remarks – Dr. Jaspinder Komal, Assistant Deputy Minister, DRDC

Dr. Jaspinder Komal , Assistant Deputy Minister (Defence Research and Development Canada)

13:10 - 14:15

Session 3: Innovator presentations – Breakout rooms 1-3 running concurrently

BREAK-OUT ROOM 1 Theme 1: Big data, Advancing 5G Capabilities and NATO DIANA
• Challenge 5 (CFP 4): Making Data Make Sense: Real-time Data Analysis for Rapid Decision Making (RCAF)
• NATO DIANA Year 1 Qualifiers

BREAK-OUT ROOM 2 Theme 2: Sensing in the Marine Environment and Supports for CAF Personnel
• Test Drive – Challenge 6: Detection and Classification of Objects of Interest in Satellite Imagery
• ISC – Challenge 11: Beyond the Classroom: Innovative language learning and retention
• Challenge 3 (CFP 4): Navigating your Next Chapter – Transition Back to Civilian
• Research and Development (R&D) Projects

BREAK-OUT ROOM 3 Theme 3: Advanced Robotics, Uncrewed Aerial Systems, Essential Supplies and Energy, Water and Waste Management Systems for Deployed Camps
• Robot round-up Contest – Advanced robotics platforms and control solutions

14:15 - 14:30


14:30 - 15:40

Session 4: Innovator presentations – Breakout rooms 1-3 running concurrently

BREAK-OUT ROOM 1 Theme 1: Big data, Advancing 5G Capabilities and NATO DIANA
• NATO DIANA Year 1 Qualifiers

BREAK-OUT ROOM 3 Theme 3: Advanced Robotics, Uncrewed Aerial Systems, Essential Supplies and Energy, Water and Waste Management Systems for Deployed Camps
• Robot round-up Contest – Advanced robotics platforms and control solutions

15:40 - 15:50

Closing remarks – Philippe Hébert, Director General, R&D Innovation, DRDC

Mr. Philippe Hébert , Director General R&D Innovation (Defence Research and Development Canada)


Innovator exhibition space closes

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