Event details


Innovation Network Annual Symposium: CFPMN2 Autonomous Systems


April 27, 2021

Tuesday, April 27

11:00 - 11:30

Welcome & Opening Remarks

11:30 - 12:00

Optimized teaming and adaptive interfaces in mixed initiative human automation systems

Tarek Ould Bachir , Co-founder and CEO Solutions Rexys Inc.
Prof. Dana Kulic , Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Monash University, Australia.
Jerome Le Ny , Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering
Aditya Mahajan , Team lead, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer
Heather F. Neyedli , Associate Professor, Division of Kinesiology, School of Health and Human Performance
Stephen L. Smith , Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair in Autonomous Systems, Dept. Of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Optimized teaming and adaptive interfaces in mixed initiative human automation systems McGill University 49:12
Q and A’s hosted by McGill University’s Micro-net

12:00 - 12:30

CANUMV - Cooperative Network of Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles Protection, Trustworthiness, and Resilient Recovery Subject to Faults and Cyber Attacks

Jamal Bentahar Ph.D , CANUMV - Cooperative Network of Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles Protection, Trustworthiness, and Resilient Recovery Subject to Faults and Cyber Attacks, Professor
Dr. Khashayar Khorasani , Team lead, Professor and Tier I University Research Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Concordia Institute of Aerospace Design and Innovation
Aditya Mahajan , Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer
Dr. Mehrdad Saif , Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Professor of ECE
Dr. Rastko Selmic , Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
CANUMV - Cooperative Network of Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles Protection, Trustworthiness, and Resilient Recovery Subject to Faults and Cyber Attacks Concordia University Student Presentation 27:07
CANUMV - Cooperative Network of Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles Protection, Trustworthiness, and Resilient Recovery Subject to Faults and Cyber Attacks Concordia University 1:02:21
Q’s and A’s hosted by Concordia University’s Micro-net

12:30 - 13:00

SENTRYNET: Developing trust between soldiers civilians, and robots: Developing trust between soldiers civilians, and robots

Enas Altarawneh , Doctoral Student
Kartikeya Bhargava , Software Engineer
Stephanie Craig, PhD, C.Psych , Postdoctoral Fellows
Prof. Mikeal Eklund, P.Eng , Professor, Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering
Dr. James Elder , Professor & York Research Chair in Human and Computer Vision
Helio Perroni Filho , Principal Robotics Software Architect
Dr. Bob Hou , Senior Research Scientist
Michael Jenkin, P.Eng, , Team lead, Professor, Lassonde School of Engineering,
Razieh Niazi , Founder, Kaypok, Inc.
Prof. Debra Pepler , Distinguished Research Professor
R. Michael Pickering , Founder & CEO, CloudConstable Inc.
Stephen Sutherland , Founder & CEO, CrossWing, Inc.
SENTRYNET: Developing trust between soldiers civilians, and robots: Developing trust between soldiers civilians, and robots York University Student Presentation 18:00
SENTRYNET: Developing trust between soldiers civilians, and robots: Developing trust between soldiers civilians, and robots York University (027) 50:13
Q’s and A’s hosted by York University’s Micro-net

13:00 - 13:30

Health Break

13:30 - 14:00

Effective Human-Machine Cooperation with Intelligent Adaptive Autonomous Systems

Dr. Kevin Heffner , Independent researcher
Dr. Jinjun Shan , Team lead, Professor, Autonomous Systems
Effective Human-Machine Cooperation with Intelligent Adaptive Autonomous Systems York University (051) 36:59
Q’s and A’s hosted by York University’s Micro-net

14:00 - 14:30

Quantifying Trust in Autonomous Medical Advisory Systems

Dr. Thomas Doyle , Team lead, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. Michael Noseworthy , Professor, electrical and computer engineering
Dr. Reza Samavi , Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering
Professor Steven Yule , Chair of Behavioural Sciences
Quantifying Trust in Autonomous Medical Advisory Systems McMaster University 1:04:57
Quantifying Trust in Autonomous Medical Advisory Systems McMaster University Students Presentation 24:45
Q’s and A’s hosted by McMaster University’s Micro-net

14:30 - 15:00

AutoDefence: Towards Trustworthy Technologies for Autonomous Human-Machine Systems

Dr. Yaoping Hu P.Eng. , Professor of Software Engineering at the Dept. of Electrical and Software Engineering,
Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, Ph.D., P.Eng , Bell Canada Chair in Multimedia
Yingxu Wang , Professor, PhD, FIEEE, FBCS, FICICC, FWIF, FAIAA, FHKSRA, P.Eng
Prof. Svetlana Yanushkevich , Team lead, Principal Investigator
AutoDefence: Towards Trustworthy Technologies for Autonomous Human-Machine Systems University of Calgary 30:38
Q’s and A’s hosted by the University of Calgary’s Micro-net


Closing remarks



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